Please complete the following form. Use your browser's back button to return to previous pages once you've submitted your questionnaire.
This information will be used as a means to contact you should it become necessary. Your name will not be added to our mail list without your permission.
Please provide us with means to contact you:
Address (Line 1):
Address (Line 2):
1. What are your substrate sizes? Please include your measurement units. Min: Max: Thickness:
2. Are your substrates? silicon wafers glass ceramic other (please define)
3. Are your substrates... round square or rectangular pieces other (please define)
4. Do you require a uniform coating on substrates that ARE NOT round? If yes, you may require Inhibited Dry Spinning - (IDS). Yes No
5. Do you have vacuum available in your facility? Yes No
6. Do you want to dispense automatically? Yes No
7. Are you coating or developing? Coating Developing
8. How many fluids will you be dispensing?
9. If allowed, what are the fluids you are dispensing? Fluid: Viscosity:
10. Are you mounting the spinner in your own bench or would you like a quotation on a portable stand, cabinet assembly or plastic cart? I will install the spinner in my own work bench. I need a stand, cabinet or cart, please send information. I will need the spinner mounted in a wheeled lab cart (a minimum requirement if a dispenser, substrate lifter or Edge Bead Removal Kit is included.) I will need the spinner mounted in a portable stand. (if applicable) I will need the spinner mounted in a stand-alone cabinet.
11. Ask any additional questions you may have here.
12. May we add your name to our mailing list?: Yes, Please do. No, not at this time.
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