Headway PWM32 Spinner
Basic Things to Understand Before Programming Part 1
(You must read and understand Part 1 before reading Part 2)
A sequence of events (steps) combine to define a process (recipe).
A recipe is identified by a number: 0 through 9. (10 possible).
A step within a recipe is identified by a number: 1 through 9. (9 possible).
The system can be in one of 5 states. Each of these states is clearly displayed by word or action on the LCD display: READY (to run a recipe) or RUNNING (a recipe) or REVIEWING (a recipe) or PROGRAMMING (a recipe) or ABORT a running program. The START switch becomes the RESET switch to return to READY, from the abort state. To return to READY, from REVIEWING or PROGRAMMING, press STEP and then 0, in sequence.
The currently selected recipe number is shown in the upper left-hand corner of the LCD display. Recipes are selected (in the READY state only) by pressing the function key labeled RECIPE, and then pressing the number of the recipe desired. The selected recipe number will be written to the LCD.
Below the recipe number in the LCD display, the active step (when a program is running) and number of the last step of the recipe is displayed, example: 2-6 means the process is in the second step of a 6 step process. If the process has not yet been started, then only the number of the last (highest) step of the recipe is shown, preceded by a dash.
Every step has a timer that can be set by the process programmer. If this timer times out, it will terminate the step. It can be set anywhere between zero and 999.9 seconds. Other events can be programmed to terminate the step, but the event must occur before the time set on the timer. A step can be skipped temporarily by setting the timer to zero. The time remaining in the currently running step is always displayed in the field of the LCD marked TIME.
Once programmed, a single step cannot be erased or eliminated. It can be skipped by setting its timer to zero, or all steps of a recipe can be simultaneously erased by pressing the function keys RECIPE then CLEAR then (Recipe #). The highest step in the recipe becomes zero (0). Once all steps of a recipe have been erased, the recipe can be programmed as desired.
Vacuum to the chuck/substrate can be managed automatically by the system, or can be forced to stay on by the operator. The vacuum ON/AUTO function key is a toggle. A two character field at the left of the LCD displays the current status: ON= Manually on, AU= Automatic.
A rotation sensor on the motor forces the vacuum to be turned on if the motor is spinning, overriding all other control of the vacuum. This insures that the vacuum will continue holding the substrate to the chuck until the spinner comes to a complete stop.
If the optional accessory exhaust controller is used, the exhaust can be automatically controlled (turned on and off) by the program, or the operator can override and shut off the exhaust anytime desired.
If a recipe is running in a step, that STEP can be terminated immediately by the operator pressing the function key labeled, OFF or CLEAR. It is also possible to program any or all steps to accept a press of the START switch as a step terminator. WARNING!! The operator MUST be aware of what could happen undesirably, if a step is skipped without its normal programmed termination. This will be unique to the user-programmed activities! The user should be prepared to quickly ABORT the entire sequence, if something unexpected occurs when a step is skipped prematurely.
Some units are operated by a footswitch. If so, the START/ABORT switch is a duel, center-balanced rocker foot switch. The side with the green circle is the start switch, the side with the red circle is the abort switch. Units factory mounted in a cabinet will generally have the controls surface mounted in the cabinet top surface. They may include other controls for a substrate, a powered lid, manual vacuum control, or other accessory.
If a process is aborted, the START switch becomes the RESET switch, to return to READY.
While a recipe is running, the speed of the spinner may be increased or decreased manually by pressing the controller buttons labeled STEP TERMINATE (increases speed), or SYSTEM PARAMETERS (decreases speed). This manual speed change is temporary, it does not change the speed set in the program.
The step timer does not start timing until the speed for that step is reached. Thus, the total time for the step will be the sum of the acceleration (or deceleration) plus the time setting of the timer. A slow ramp setting can significantly effect the total step time.
The SYSTEM PARAMETERS key: Pressing this key permits you to disable the audible alarm, or adjust its time period. Also, motor speed re-calibration can be accomplished, if an external accurate tachometer is available to measure the motor rpm. If the calibrate mode is entered but re-calibration cannot be accomplished, be sure to reenter the numbers displayed to avoid destroying the existing calibration. Other information about the programming of this specific controller is also displayed under the system parameters. DO NOT TURN OFF POWER IN THE MIDDLE OF A CALIBRATION PROCEDURE!! THE UNIT IS CALIBRATED AT THE FACTORY, AND SHOULD NOT NEED RECALIBRATION UNLESS THE MOTOR OR MAJOR MOTOR DRIVE COMPONENT IS REPLACED.
Proceed to Quick Start Programming Part 2 only after reading and understanding Part 1
The PWM32 Spinners are Available in Four Standard Motor/Bowl Configurations
For larger than 12-inch substrates, or for heavy substrates at higher than 2,500 rpm, HRI recommends the next larger bowl, the LS22 or IT22 (a different family of 22-inch I.D. Spinners).