Substrate Lifter Assembly
for the PWM32 Spinner Family

Lifter The Substrate Lifter attaches to the bottom of the three motor package versions of the PWM32 Spinner --driven by Headway's PWM32 Controller. Using this lifter, along with the appropriate chuck/lifter bar assembly, and a substrate alignment tool, a substrate may be properly centered and lowered into the bowl for spinning. After processing, the substrate can be lifted out of the bowl. The lifter works through the spinner shaft.

The Lifter Assembly consists of: controls for up and down speed adjustment are included.

The Substrate Lifter Assembly Requires The Following Equipment:

Substrate Lifter Assembly with Large Substrate
Substrate Lifter Assembly with Large Substrate

Example selection of HRI part numbers:
HRI Part Numbers Spinner Models Substrate Lifter  Accessory
HRI Part Number
115 vac 220 vac
9-22662 9-22308 PWM32-PS-R790 3-22793
9-22663 9-22309 PWM32-PS-CB15 3-22793
9-22666 9-22311 PWM32-BD-CB15 3-22794

The alignment tool for a specific substrate will work on any one of the PWM32 spinners. Each different substrate will require a different alignment tool.

A chuck/lifter bar may work on a range of substrate types and sizes, or some substrates may require a unique design, good for that specific substrate.

Alignment tools and chuck/lifter bars are very easy to change.

Headway Research Products
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